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Bill Protection

Protect your customers against loss of income

Falling ill, an accident or unemployment can put serious strain on a family budget. With the Bill Protection account insurance as part of your product or contract, you can protect your customers against loss of income. You pay their monthly household bills in the event of a setback. This way, you can guarantee that their standard of living and purchasing power will not be impacted and you can ensure their customer loyalty.

12 s
on the phone
95 %
resolved in 5 days
85 %
rate their experience as positive

Account insurance: all bills paid

Inflation is causing all costs to go up, but wages are not rising proportionately. This is putting pressure on many family budgets. With what an average family can set aside, savings accounts no longer provide an adequate buffer. Paying the monthly fixed costs is often challenging enough for those who are healthy and have a job. So what happens if one income suddenly disappears due to a setback? With Bill Protection you can protect your customers against these uncertainties.

Credit protection: how does it work?

You integrate the Bill Protection account insurance as an added benefit into your credit card, group or outstanding balance insurance, energy or internet contracts. This way, your customers can meet their monthly payment obligations without trouble. Even if they temporarily find themselves in a difficult position, such as in the event of unemployment, an accident or illness through no fault of their own.


A safety net for your customers' purchasing power

The bills for energy, water or telecoms... You and your customers determine which monthly bills they want to have paid via Bill Protection in the event of unexpected setbacks. You pay these out to them all together, for an amount that can be up to 20% of their monthly salary. In this way, you can secure their standard of living and financial future and offer an important safety net. They're bound to become your most loyal ambassadors, right?

Bill Protection - protect your customers against loss of income
Generate additional income

Include the Bill Protection ready-to-use insurance module as an additional benefit in your offering. This way, you generate extra profit margins, for example by creating a premium product line.

Bill Protection - protect your customers against loss of income
More satisfaction and loyalty

You not only have an additional moment of contact with your customers, you are also present in their lives in a very positive way. In other words, more satisfied customers and stronger customer loyalty.

Bill Protection - protect your customers against loss of income
Up to 20% of the monthly salary

You pay your customers' combined monthly expenses in the event of involuntary unemployment, accident and illness, hospitalisation or disability, up to the equivalent of 20% of their monthly salary.

Bill Protection - protect your customers against loss of income
A solid safety net in the event of adversity

You can help your customers to get through a difficult period in their lives and give them the space to focus on mourning, recovery or the search for a new job.

A few advantages for you at a glance

Advantages for you
  • You are there for your customers when they need it most
  • You are thus assured of their customer loyalty
  • You add value to your offer and generate additional income
  • You create additional positive contact moments with your customers
  • You avoid cancellation of contracts and uninstallation/reinstallation of services
Advantages for your customers
  • They meet their monthly payment obligations free from stress
  • They protect their essential utilities: electricity, gas, water and telephone
  • They maintain their quality of life: gym, internet, pay TV, etc.
  • They don't have to tap into their savings account
  • They can safely focus on their recovery or the search for a new job
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