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Home Assistance

Heating Maintenance

Fast and reliable maintenance of the central heating boiler.

Why choose Heating Maintenance?

Don't leave your customer out in the cold. Include our Heating Maintenance service in your offering. This assures your customer that he or she has proper boiler maintenance and access to the 24/7 repair service through AXA Partners. As a result he or she is not only in compliance with legal obligations but your customer also benefits from energy savings.

150 +
available to come and help in the home
40 000
all over the world
20 000
ready to go into action in any country

Safe and worry-free heating

With our Heating Maintenance service you protect your customer from cold showers and harsh winter evenings at home without heating. A well-maintained central heating boiler is safe and its efficiency is higher. Besides that, the risk of sudden boiler failure is reduced.

We check the device completely, clean it, and adjust it for optimal performance. Legally required certificates ensure that your customer is in compliance with the mandatory checks. So, he or she can sleep soundly, and without that extra duvet.

electric device
Customized maintenance plan

Annual, bi-annual, or one-off gas or oil-fired heating boiler maintenance? We customize our formulas to match the legal requirements of the type of installation your customer has.

electric damage
Repair service 24/ 7

What if there is a central heating boiler breakdown or malfunction? With our 24/7 repair service, your customer will never be left in the cold for long.

Optimal energy bill

Your customer will soon benefit from a better return, and that means a lower energy bill.

Compliance with the latest legislation

Your customer no longer has to worry about the mandatory checks. Our legal certificates ensure that compliance is always in order.

Here is a list of some of the advantages

Advantages for you
  • A unique comfort-related product in your offering
  • You meet a pressing customer demand
  • Can be included or optional within your product range
  • Easy to link to your products in the home category
Advantages for your customers
  • Fast and efficient service 24/7
  • Assistance from a certified professional
  • Always in compliance with legal certification requirements
  • All costs covered
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Other products of Home

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Solar Panel Solution
With Home Manager, your customer can quickly and easily arrange a visit from a professional in the event of breakdowns or malfunctions in the home. A leaky water pipe or a defective heating system? Just a few simple clicks and the repair service is on the way. Your customer tracks the progress of the intervention by smartphone until the problem is resolved.
Why should you offer Home Manager?
Quick and professional assistance and intervention in the event of defects and malfunctions at home. The ideal complement to any fire and theft insurance.